Monday, November 26, 2007

Letter Openers 1-5

Letter opener 1 – Sold. 8” overall, 4 1/8” blade. Blade: Copper, hidden through tang. Handle salt cedar center dovetailed with desert ironwood. No stamp.

Letter Opener 2 – Sold. 9 1/4” overall, 4 3/4” blade. Blade, hammered copper, exposed tang. Guard: Waterbuffalo horn. Handle: Spalted Cottonwood with copper inserts, turquoise pin accent. No pommel.

Letter Opener 3 - 10” overall, 5” blade. Blade: Sterling Silver. Hidden Tang. No Guard. Handle: Ebony, Carolina Poplar, Ebony, mild steel pins.

Letter Opener 4 - 10” overall, 4 ½” blade. Blade copper. Full tang. No guard. Handle: Coccobolo, ebony, mild steel pins. Pommel: Beaten copper.

Letter Opener 5 - Sold!- 10 3/8” overall, 5 ¾” blade. Blade Copper. Hidden through tang. Guard: Shaped copper. Handle: Mexican ebony, Cottonwood. Pommel: Copper.

Diamond Saw Knives 1-3

DSK1 - 8 ¼” overall, 3 ¾” blade. Blade high speed steel from diamond saw blade. Hidden tang. Guard: brass. Handle: Curly maple, brass pins.

DSK2 - 6 7/8” overall, 2 ¾” blade. Blade: High speed steel from diamond saw blade. Hidden tang. Guard: Brass. Handle: Apricot, brass pins.

DSK3 - 8” overall, 3 3/8” blade. Blade: High speed steel from diamond saw blade. Hidden tang. Brass bolster. Handle: Manzanita, Holly.

Bandsaw Knives 1-2 and Axe1

Band-saw Knife 1 - 7 ½” overall, 3 ½” blade. Blade: .05” thick 15n20, drop point hunter, exposed tang. No guard. Handle: Lignum Vitae, Salt Cedar, Black epoxy. Finished with teak oil and gloss polyurethane. No stamp - unforged

Band-saw Knife 2 - 7 5/8” overall, 3 ¼” blade. Blade .05” thick 15n20, exposed tang. Guard: Ground brass. Handle: Honduran Rosewood finished with teak oil, Brass pin. No pommel. No stamp – unforged.

ARAXE1 –17 ¾” overall, head 5 3/8”. Head, originally a store-bought hatchet, steel unknown. Reshaped to current form. Handle: carved figured bubinga. Copper holding pin.

Knives 1-4

AR1 – Given to Gordan Peckham belatedly for his 80th Birthday (May 3, 2006) . Blade: 1095 High-carbon steel. Drop point hunter style, hidden tang. Handle material: Madrone Burl, finished with Tung oil. Guard: forged mild steel. Pins: Peened mild steel. Finished to 400 grit (blade and handle), plus 0000 steel wool.

Sheath – 8mm folded leather, hand sewn with waxed cotton thread. Texture from ball peen hammer. Treated with beeswax and oil.

AR2 – Given to John and Nan Morningstar (May 28, 2006). Blade: 1095 High-carbon steel. Chefs knife, hidden tang. Handle material: Mequite, finished with Tung oil and satin polyurethane. No Guard. Pins: Peened mild steel. Finished to 400 grit (blade and handle), plus 0000 steel wool.

Sheath – Cherry with steel pin and waxed cotton thread.

AR3 – Designed for David Ross. Blade: 1095 High-carbon steel. Drop point hunter. Hidden tang. Handle: Coccobolo, with hammered copper cross and copper nails. Pin holes filled with Walnut Wood filler mixed with Ebony dust, covered with copper nails – filed and unfiled. Guard: Hammered re-bar, ground into final shape. Handle cracked open at one point, seam visible, epoxied back together.

Sheath – 8oz folded leather. Textured leather, hand sewn with waxed cotton thread. Treated with wax and oil.

AR4 – Designed for Erika Taylor. Blade: 1095 High-carbon steel. Drop point hunter. Hidden tang. Handle: Bloodwood with Ebony insert, finished with tung oil. Guard: Hot shaped low carbon steel, filed into final shape. Blade and handle finished to 600 grit, plus 0000 steel wool.

Display sheath. Carved Padauk backing with brushed brass holders, ebony spacer. Removable ebony edge guard. All finished to 220 grit, plus 0000 steel wool, and tung oil.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Welcome to Hanged Man Designs

Good morning. I am still in the process of building this page, so don't be too surprised by changes. I will be posting pictures of everything pretty soon, but not this morning. The pictures are currently posted at but since you have to be a member to view pictures, it was recommended that I move them to someplace new.

I guess you can consider this page to be ~UNDER CONSTRUCTION~ if you like. I will try to remember to take pictures in the shop so that projects that are "on the bench" will be visible as well. But most of those pictures haven't even been taken yet, so they are in line behind the finished works.

Anyway, Welcome!